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June 07, 2007



Awwww, look at those cute furry faces. Loving your blog! I checked some of your links -- didn't realize the "candy" fabric was yours -- I had several friends in a frenzy looking for it for me months ago -- HAD to have it and finally got some! Yay! Thanks for carpetbag pattern info -- I have sent an e-mail. We share the same birth year -- it's our big year! WooHoo!!! Oh, and hope you'll post when Cindy Taylor Oates gets a blog -- I'll be looking!


Love your two friends there. And thanks again for the invite to the dinner! I had a great time and it felt so cool to be invited!


Can sure see why those are 2 favorite friends!
I also had a great time at the dinner--so much to take in.

happy zombie

What a fun get-together that must have been! I see that all hands are above the table and no one's blogging via a crack-berry in their lap.

Cottage Magpie

Love the big group photo! It's like the Star Chamber of bloggy quilting peeps! Love it! And the doggies are cute, too! ~A :-)


Your little ones are such cuties! What precious faces! I'm so impresed that their little rope-bone is so intact. . . Bailey goes through about one a week. . . strings all over the floor. . . !

Jennifer Paganelli

Wow Holly...blogger of the year award and you just started I'll never keep up...these are beautiest...digging it all so much...all the best, JCome back soon I miss you guys already..Jen

Anna Maria

Was such great fun to be included, and look forward to seeing you again soon I hope.
Loving your favorite things

Gina Halladay

Hi friend,
We must play again soon. I say Disco dancing and dinner in Houston. Your Blog is Fantastic.

Gina Halladay

Hi friend,
We must play again soon. I say Disco dancing and dinner in Houston. Your Blog is Fantastic.

Gina Halladay

Hi friend,
We must play again soon. I say Disco dancing and dinner in Houston. Your Blog is Fantastic.

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