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November 11, 2007



I CANNOT WAIT!! Thanks for including me on the list.

And I think the toe migth belong to Jeree???

Holly Holderman




AHH! I was sure it was her. Hmm. Then I guess Penny. And then I guess I give up, I don't want to just run though everyone in your posse. Thats cheating.


i would guess that it's YOUR foot, Holly -- with someone else taking the picture...?!


i would guess that it's YOUR foot, Holly -- with someone else taking the picture...?!


Just sailed by to have a look, got here by using the icon on Lucy's Dutch site.

I guess it's Martha Hall's foot :)!

I enjoyed visisting your site!

This is Martha. It's not my foot! My feet don't look that good!

I should have made a guess before. I think that those pretty toes belong to Jean.


How exciting! Thanks for including me too Holly! Um, I'm guessing Megan -- 'cause she's the only one I "know" LOL!


This is so exciting Holly! Can't wait to see it in all it's glory. Thanks for including me in! :)


I think the toes belong to you, Holly. Love the quilt!


Thank you so much for including me too... I can't wait to see it !!


Thanks for including me! Can't wait to see the magazine.


Well, gee. Just what I needed! More lovely blogs to subscribe to. Including yours. Thanks!

Kim West

Great quilt and congratulations on the article!!


Congrats on your published article... can't wait to read it!!

The quilt is adorable! Can't wait for grandchildren to sew and knit and quilt for them. Thw colors are lovely.

Toe ring?? As long as it's not your husbands...


Oh yes - we all love Bonnie and Lucy!!!!!

Julie Sefton

Congratulations!!! Every first is special... will be waiting for this issue to appear on the shelves!

quilt crazy

First time on your blog, thanks to a note on "quilting in the past". Looking forward to your article. If you are interested in Travel & quilting, check out my blog...I'll soon be in Tokyo for the show! oregonquilt.blogspot.com

kari & kijsa

Wonderful job! So cute! Congratulations on your article!!

kari & kijsa



Beverly Lawler

Nice site.


love the quilt and colors. fabrics are gorgeous

Anna ---Flowergardengirl

Ok, I'm adding you for sure to my blog!! I want to get back into quilting soon as I get in my new house. Everything is on hold till I can play house again. Your site is so inspiring. Wonderful news about your article. congrats!!!!

where do I find the baby girl alphabet. I have gone to several quilt shops in northern Illinois and have checked on line and cannot find it.

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