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November 24, 2007



Hey Holly, who wouldn't want to benchpress their weight in Lakehouse?


Personally I think bench pressing is too much work. I'd rather just hurl myself into a pile of LakeHouse fabric.


There are few things about living waaaay out in the country that I don't like, but the lack of cool books and magazines is certainly one! I was at, not only the one bookstore "in town", but 2 fabric/crafts stores and nobody has this magazine.

*Sniff* I feel so uncool and left out!


There are few things about living waaaay out in the country that I don't like, but the lack of cool books and magazines is certainly one! I was at, not only the one bookstore "in town", but 2 fabric/crafts stores and nobody has this magazine.

*Sniff* I feel so uncool and left out!


That whacky PKM!!! She's so funny!!!!


Soooo.. how do we email you a pix ? I can't find an email addy anywhere! I would LOVE to benchpress myself in Lakehouse .....

A gal can dream, right?



I also have a pic for you to send. I'll try to find an email.


Well, those comments above sound as though they'll seal the deal! I checked at B&N today -- they said "It's been shipped." Sigh. The sad reality of living in the middle of nowhere LOL.

Angela (Cottage Magpie)

I drove 40 minutes to hit a Borders and they didn't have it! ARGH!
~Angela :-)


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...


I have searched the world over....sniff sniff cannot find...

happy zombie

OMG... I lso ove that pic of Pam! That is just toooooo cute! Best pic ever!

I can see that so many of us will be uttering the words, "I'm buying this magazine for the articles". That sounds so naughty, eh!


Hi Holly,

I have 2 pictures of myself with the magazine, one of the cover and one of the article on my blog...cvquiltworks.blogspot.com

I am so excited I found it, I just can't find a way to e-mail the pictures to you or to post them on your blog.


No photo from me, but just had to say that Pam is the sweetest thing ever. And woo-eee is she talented. Love you, PKM!!


Sorry I made so many comments above...I gues I was a ding bat...but I did find the mag today. Thanks so much for the good words, Holly! Glad to be connected to you and all the other hot bloggers out there. SIzzle sizzle...

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