« My Favorite Things...107...A Quilt for Emma | Main | 109...My Favorite Things...Winter Soups, Part One »

January 25, 2008



She's a sweetie !!!


Cutie Pie, indeed!


That little Miss Emma! . . . What that sweet little face has already inspired!!

xo, Bren


LOL if only you could see the rest of her play area!


Holly you always inspire me and I look forward to your blog posts very much. We won't even mention your lovely quilts! (I have one in the queue a la Cherry Baby meets Knitter)

I'm passing on a "You Make My Day" award to you------ check the blog today at www.knittingcontessa.blogspot.com for the details!



What a cutie, just saw your post oh the FQS blog.


Ms. Emma is soooo adorable.
I love the picture of the kitties too at the top of the page.


So happy to be invited to comment on your blog.........your fabrics are fabulous.

Peggy Mead

I'm happy to join your blog. Your fabrics are gorgeous and little Emma is a peach! I have a 5 week old grandson that is filling my days so nicely.


I love your new quilt design. Love all of your hydrangea designs. Looks Like "Lattice and Cut Flowers" or "Flowers in/and Diamonds" Just my suggestions for a name. Look forward to seeing you again sometime. I had alot of fun with you at your recent visit with Penny. You should come out again soon!


My suggestion for the Blue Heron Colorway design - "Brimming in Blue Blossoms".

It is beautiful (my favorite color)

carol bierschwale

why not try garden paths works for both quilts . it like walking through a beautiful garden . ps emma is adorable i have 4 grandchildren and another on the way. never waist a minute with them . they just grow overnight.

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