I have a few quirks about color. Some of you may have noticed...I prefer my Yellows a little bit Peachy, and my Blues a little bit Peri, like this wonderful door I spotted on the Left Bank in Paris.
Is it just me, or are the blue & white enameled building numbers the cherry on the sundae? I just love the attention to the small details that to me are oh-so-French. So that's why the "French Blue" (aka Peri) was in the Penelope Five fabrics...it's simply one of my favorite colors, and I try to use it whenever I can.
What's your favorite color, and where do you remember it from?
Leave me a message and you will be eligible for the Penelope 456 Fat Quarter Bundle Drawing.
Here are the details: one comment/entry per person on this blog, entry period from now until next Friday July 13th (!) then we will draw six names and give away the six sets of Penelope Fat Quarter bundles.
Back in two shakes.
PS: Welcome Shabby Fabrics fans!
Great News! Jennifer Bosworth of Shabby Fabrics will be writing & publishing all of my new quilt designs...Find out all about it by clicking here.