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December 20, 2009



I have loved every single project and CAN'T WAIT to get my own panel and get goin' on it. . . . hurry up spring!! THanks so much for sharing these :)

Linda Todd

Thank you for sharing this project with me..I have loved looking every day at each one. I felt like a little girl at Christmas I had butterflys in my stomach and my heart fluttered just seeing those dresses. I am going to miss waiting for it every day. This was such a brillant idea.Thanks Again Linda


Thank you for including me in this project! I'm happy to report that my little quilt raised $400 for Irish flood relief.


Holly, I received my little doll dresses piece of fabric. It's adorable! I'm putting it in my Grandma hope chest -- I've told my boys there BETTER be granddaughters! Thanks so much for choosing me!

Madame Samm

How appropriate that I locate this blog entry on doll dresses. I am a designer of Aimee dolls, using your Hydrangea collection prints, which I just adore.
As soon as the blues come out, I will be highlighting them as well. Your fabrics are the loveliest I have ever seen. Thank you from my heart. blessings madame samm
who is also adding you to her favourites bloglist.

Karen Powel

Wow, what wonderful examples for the Dolly Dress Up fabrics. Hope to make one for my granddaughter - 12 months, for her room. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Lu Ann Grobe

I finally found a quilt to make for my grandaugher, but I need to know where to buy the pattern for the Dolly Dress quilt. I am planning on making this for Christmas. If you could contact me ASAP

Thank You
Lu Ann G


where do I find the doll dresses panel please? I want to make this for my new grand daughter. I just love this quilt.

cindy grafton

I would love it if you would contact me as I would love to find the dolly dresses panels. Thanks. So cute

Barbara Beebe

I couldn't find the panels either, but I did find a paper doll quilt block at http://piecemakers4life.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/coming-soon-paper-doll-quilt-block-series/ that I am going to try. I think it will work.

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